Different Types of Dachshund Dog Bed

Many different types of dog beds are suitable for dachshunds. To find the best dachshund bed, you’ll need first to consider your dog’s size, breed, and even the area of your home where he spends most of his time. There are many different types of beds for dachshunds, but if you don’t know much about … Read more

How Fast Can A Dachshund Run?

It is a commonly held misconception that Dachshunds are not fast runners. In reality, they can speed up to 9 miles per hour and have been clocked at 10 miles per hour. That is a breakneck pace for such a small dog. A Dachshunds’ speed can be attributed to his elongated body and short legs. … Read more

Standard Vs. Miniature Dachshund

A miniature Dachshund is a smaller and more delicate version of Dachshund’s standard. The miniature Dachshund has a slighter body frame with shorter legs and is generally 75% the standard dachshund size. Miniature dachshunds have the same personality and energy as a standard dachshund. In other words, they are a lot of dog in a … Read more

Dachshunds Accessories

Just like humans, Dachshunds need help to look their best. They need accessory items to make them look fantastic. A custom dog collar is a great way to not only get noticed but also for identification purposes. Many people are searching for vibration bark collars for their pet dog or their pet cat because it … Read more

Why Do Dachshunds Lick So Much

A Dachshund’s tongue is its most defining trait. In the past, Hunters bred the long-bodied dog to hunt for badgers, so it had a keen sense of smell and a long tongue. A Dachshund’s neap is made for more than just hunting, though: Its rough texture makes it great for cleaning ears and teeth. Dachshunds … Read more

Dachshunds Coats

Dachshund coats are clothing designed for Dachshunds to provide warmth during cold weather. They come in different sizes and styles. Dachshund coats are sometimes referred to as dachshund jackets or dachshund raincoats. Some say that the names for these types of coats are interchangeable. Others say they are not. The correct terms will vary between countries … Read more

Why Do Dachshunds Sleep So Much

Dachshunds are sleeping a lot for different reasons, and the more you know about why they do it, the better equipped you will be to meet their needs. Some dachshunds sleep a couple of times excessively because of their spines’ shape, which often causes them to drag their hind legs when they walk. That can … Read more

Dachshund Potty Training – Guide and Information

Dachshunds are notoriously difficult to potty train, but you can use a few techniques. For example, you can take them out every three hours; this will give them plenty of time to relieve themselves. Try praising them when they have done well and ignore them when you see that they are not doing their business … Read more

Do Dachshunds Like Water

The Dachshund is a small dog breed traditionally used for hunting wolves and other pests. So it’s not surprising that the Dachshund loves clean water! Even though they are built to go long periods without water, Dachshunds can’t resist a good swim in the river, lake water, or even an average pool. It is also … Read more

Best Dog Food For Dachshunds

Dachshunds are tough little dogs, but they have a sensitive stomach. That’s why it’s crucial to find the best dog food for Dachshunds, one that is specially designed for their unique needs. The essential nutrients for this breed come from animal proteins. Chicken meal, duck, turkey, lamb, and other similar meats are the best dachshund … Read more

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