Dachshund Neutering Pros And Cons


Many people believe that neutering is a fair trade-off for the benefits of decreased any type of aggression issue, wandering instinct, and risk of prostate cancer. There are many good reasons to have your Dachshunds neutered. However, there are some questions to answer about health issues, risks, recovery, timing, and cost before you make a decision. Neutering your pet won’t affect his personality––his genetics and reproductive hormones determine your pet’s personality. Most dogs are better behaved after neutering.

The critical factor to have your Dachshunds neutered is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Even though Dachshunds are small dogs, they are prolific breeders. A female can become pregnant and have her puppies within six months of birth. They can have up to three litter per year, with an average of four to eight puppies in each litter. So one or two dogs can quickly turn into a pack of fifteen or more puppies in less than two years.

When it comes to a male dog, neutering is the process of removing his testicles. It is done for various reasons, including curtailing aggressive and territorial behaviors and preventing the pet from developing testicular cancer. The most common process for neutering a male dog is the same as the one used in humans: surgical removal of both testicles.


  • Pros
  • Cons
  • The Neutering Process
  • How To Care For Your Neutered Dog After Surgery
  • General Health Benefits of Neutering
  • When Should You Neuter Your Dog?
  • The Risks Involved With Neutering Your Male Dog
  • FAQs about Neutering
  • Neutering the Dachshund
  • Medical Benefits of Neutering Your Male Dachshund
  • Summary


  1. Dachshunds don’t reproduce, so each Dachshund that is neutered has a greater chance of not having a litter of puppies.
  2. Neutering your pet dog can reduce the overpopulation problem and decrease the risk for rabies and other tetanus-causing illnesses. 
  3. Neutered males have a much lower risk of prostate cancer than intact males.
  4. Neutered male dogs are less likely to spray urine around your home than intact males.
  5. Neutered dogs are also less likely to fight with other dogs and cats. That’s because castrated males can’t develop an aggressive territorial or guarding instinct, which means they’re less likely to want to defend their space from another dog’s intrusion. 
  6. Neutered males are also less likely to endanger your children’s toys because their sex hormones cause them to become aroused more readily than intact males do and may lead them to mount other dogs or become aggressive when they see them.
  7. Neutered males are less likely to become aggressive with other dogs, cats, or humans because they cannot develop an aggressive territorial or guarding instinct. That means they are less likely to want to defend their space from another dog’s intrusion.


  1. Neutering your pet dog can cause a loss of libido, a natural desire in all dogs to spur females and other pack members. Dachshund situations, being lap dogs, lack of sexual interaction can cause frustration.
  2. Neutering your pet dog can cause them to develop incontinence problems as the testicles become smaller and the prostate enlarges.
  3. Neutering your pet dog can cause testicular cancer.
  4. Neutering your pet dog can cause it to become overweight because its metabolism changes.
  5.  Some Dachshunds have a change in personality after undergoing the neutering process.
  6. Neutering can cause urinary incontinence or male cats to spray urine in their surroundings following the surgery. It can lead to behavioral problems or more difficulty training them to use a litter box correctly. It is difficult for them to determine which outside stimuli trigger an involuntary urine release during this time after surgery.
  7. Neutering is the most critical factor in preventing a female Dachshund from becoming pregnant. It means that if you want to have your Dachshund spayed and you don’t want it to get pregnant, you should have it fixed no later than four months of age, even if it has already been spayed previously. However, there are exceptions. If your Dachshund has had at least one litter by the time it is four months old but was not fixed by the time it is six months old, it still needs to be brought back to the veterinarian for an examination possible surgery before eight months of age.
  8. Neutering is not without risks. Because Dachshunds have smaller frames and a higher percentage of fat than many breeds, they are more prone to anesthesia complications. Dogs that are kept outside and do not get the exercise they need may also be at increased risk for obesity-related problems like osteoarthritis. An elderly male Dachshund that has not been neutered may develop prostate enlargement or cancer, leading to incontinence, pain when urinating, and possible death if not treated.

The Neutering Process

Neutering is the surgical extraction of the male reproductive organs, usually done after a puppy’s first heat. Neutering a female puppy is typically performed at about six months of age; older dogs may still be neutered, but so can an examined puppy. Studies said neutering your dog will prevent any unwanted behavioral and medical problems based on the analysis.

Getting your pet neutered

It would help if you had a dog neutered by a veterinarian. If you have an unaltered male dog, he must be confined. Do not leave him loose or let other dogs run loose when you bring him into the house or yard if he is not altered. Put him in a large pen of his own and ensure he cannot get out. Keep your female dog away from your unaltered male dog, as even the smell of her can cause him to become aroused and try to mate with her if she has not already been spayed or doesn’t yet have her first heat cycle.

What to Expect From your Pet in the Time Immediately Following Surgery

The dog will need to rest for a few days after the surgery. Give your pet pain medication if it is painful, but do not over-medicate him. Keep him quiet and rested as much as possible for the next few days. Walking can be allowed after a day or two, but running should be avoided. Some owners notice that their dogs are a bit sluggish in the weeks following surgery, others not so much. Give them the time they need to heal.

Post-Operative Care

After the surgery, you will need to keep your pet’s incision clean to prevent infection. The veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic to be given orally after the surgery. Also, he may prescribe an antibiotic ointment or spray to put on the incision and give some pain relief.

Dogs are susceptible to infection, so watch closely for swelling, increased redness and discharge from the area around the incision. These could all be signs of infection. If you detect any of these indications, then call your vet immediately.

In addition to these medications, You can do other things to help your dog recover faster from neutering surgery.

These include:

  • Feeding your pet plenty of water
  • Give your pet plenty of exercises to help prevent depression and discourage boredom. It can be done walking or running, but avoid strenuous exercise.
  • Give him some pain medication if he has any pain after the operation. Pain management is crucial as it can make his recovery more natural and faster.
  • A veterinarian may need to sedate your pet to help him during the recovery process.

Comprehending these steps will ensure that your pet heals as quickly and painlessly as possible.

After a dog has been neutered, he will be healthier and more energetic. That’s because neutering eliminates the stress of sexual maturity and mating. A dog who has been neutered will no longer feel the urge to roam in search of a mate or fight other males for dominance. Besides, his testicles can develop cancer if not removed after puberty. Neutering prevents your pet from getting pregnant if he comes in contact with females.

How To Care For Your Neutered Dog After Surgery

It would be best if you gave your pet plenty of water. Think of it as being like a sponge: the more you keep it clean, the more it will want to stay clean. Ensure that your Dachshund has plenty of water available and ensures that it has access to a litter box if necessary, or a dog bed or rug if this is what it prefers.

Your dog will need to rest for a few days, so take care not to walk him for at least two days after the surgery. Most dogs will do best with their stitches removed within two or three days. This procedure can be done at home by a veterinarian and will only take about 15 minutes per day at first, but you need to remember to keep doing it until your vet tells you to stop.

To keep your Dachshund in a healthy condition following neutering surgery, you will need to regularly check that his surgical wound is clean and free of infection. You can do this manually by cleaning around the wound by hand with water and a solution made from water and an antiseptic like Betadine or Hibiscrub.

General Health Benefits of Neutering

Neutering your dog has many benefits, including:

  • Preventing unwanted behaviors such as marking and roaming
  • Preventing the development of medical problems such as testicle tumors
  • Preventing sperm from reaching the female reproductive tract can cause infection, pregnancy, or even females’ death. It also helps to prevent unwanted pregnancy and childbirth on your premises. It also helps protect other animals from your male dog’s diseases and potentially saves their lives. (This is more important when neutering new puppies where their immune system is still developing.)
  • Lessening the hazard of developing prostate cancer in adult dogs: It is vital to consider your older or more senior dog.
  • Preventing the spread of diseases such as infectious cancers or canine cancer in your dog can be transmitted to other dogs or other animals if you are not careful.
  • Preventing [statistically proven benefits] breeding problems such as unwanted pregnancies and unwanted litters of puppies. It is also more humane to the dog, although this will naturally depend on its personality.
  • Helping your dog to live longer and increasing his life quality
  • Reducing the risk of a hernia by up to 50% in male dogs
  • Making you happier and maintaining a strong bond with your dog.
  • Aiding your dog leads a more stress-free life with healthier and happier behavioral traits.
  • Helping to avoid unnecessary deaths and euthanizations of homeless dogs
  • It prevents litter of unwanted puppies that can be hazardous to their health and the health of your family, other animals, or even the environment.
  • Preventing pregnancy in female dogs before she is ready for it can result in botched or even dangerous pregnancies such as “breach” and “spontaneous abortions.” 

When Should You Neuter Your Dog?

Some veterinarians recommend neutering as soon as six months, some even younger with the larger breeds. The truth is that waiting until they are fully mature is better for their health and your dog’s personality because it gives him a chance to develop into his character before neutering surgery occurs. So I would advise waiting until at least 10-12 months before neutering your puppy or young dog.

It is usually crucial to wait until your dog is around a year old, especially for those with very high energy levels. However, if your dog has shown testosterone signs or even an increase in aggression, it may be better to delay neutering.

The Risks Involved With Neutering Your Male Dog

There are some risks involved with neutering your male dog, although these are pretty rare. The most common risks include:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthetic and surgery is rare but has happened. That’s why it is essential to find a board-certified veterinarian that uses safe and effective anesthetics for their dogs. 
  • Blood clotting can occur with certain breeds of dogs who have heart conditions. The veterinarian may use a soft, non-cutting anal clip to avoid this problem. 
  • Ectopic pregnancy is a risk to female dogs who are not on birth control. It is essential to have your veterinarian perform a pregnancy test before neutering your dog, as it could cause internal damage.
  • Prostate cancer (rare) is more likely if your dog is neutered before one year old.
  • Testicular cancer (sporadic) is more likely if your dog is neutered less than 12 months old.
  • Urinary tract infections can occur with new dogs, especially with spaying ones.
  • Intervertertibal Disk Disease is a potentially fatal disorder affecting the spinal column’s intervertebral discs in dogs. Unlike humans, dogs do not have an epidural space between the vertebral bodies and cover central canal tissues.
  • If a dog has an intervertebral disk disease, the vertebrae’s angle may be too steep. The location of the intervertebral disc (IVDH study cases) concerning the spinal cord can also be affected.

There are two types of IVDD seen in dogs: benign and malignant types. Your vet can treat malignant IVDD surgically, but recurrence is likely unless aggressive treatment is continued for at least six months after surgery.

FAQs about Neutering

It is not true that all unneutered male dogs will get prostate cancer. The majority of unneutered male dogs will never develop this disease. The evidence to date strongly indicates a link between neutering and orthopedic diseases such as hip dysplasia. Still, more research needs to be done before you can reach any firm conclusions. 

  • Neutering does not cause hypersexuality in male dogs, although neutered males are more likely to express their natural behaviors than intact males. 
  • Neutering before puberty will not stop your dog from growing up to be large and powerful. The sex hormone testosterone has nothing to do with growth potential – that is determined by genetics and nutrition. 
  • A dog’s testicles do not need to be descended for neutering to take place. Large dogs can have their testicles removed through a scrotal incision, much easier and faster. Small dogs and cats can have their testicles removed through a small abdominal incision. 
  • Neutering is generally safe, but it should not be done solely for behavioral reasons, as the benefits are minimal for your pet. 
  • Neutering will not make your male dog lazy, as long as he was an active, energetic dog before the operation. 
  • Neutering will not cause your dog to get fat and lazy. Neutered dogs tend to be slimmer overall, with less muscle tone and a higher body fat percentage than their intact counterparts. Neutering after maturity probably has a minimal effect on obesity.
  • Neutered dogs do not need to be bathed less frequently than intact dogs. They have the same odor as intact dogs, but care is required to avoid skin irritation in the anal area and the perineum, where dried urine can accumulate.

Neutering the Dachshund

Neutering a Dachshund early on is difficult for the two main reasons:

  1. Opening of the scrotum to allow surgical access. The testicles themselves are tiny, and it is hard to get at them with a general anesthetic. It is better not to neuter a pup until it is old enough, even when neutered late. Healing from surgery. By the time the incision site heals, it takes eight weeks for the area to heal fully, taking much longer than usual because the vet did the surgery on such a small dog.
  2. Neutering is a significant decision in a Dachshund’s life, and before doing it, you need to think about this. It would help if you were sure you could maintain the level of exercise your dog needs.
  3. It is done as soon as possible after the dog is six months old. But – some dogs don’t have their first heat until they are nine months old or older, so when you know what the sex of your pup is (first-time mama), do it at six months. Some of my vets will neuter them if they have ovulation testing done by a veterinarian, but you would want to check with your vet about that. 
  4. Some vets do not want to neuter male Dachshunds until they have done a full growth spurt between 24 months and four years old. Most people don’t wait that long. But if you choose to wait that long, I would advise your vet on how much exercise and what kind of exercise your dog should have before he could go for surgery because there is a big difference in the amount of exercise a 15-pound dog needs than a 30 pound or 40-pound dog.

Medical Benefits of Neutering Your Male Dachshund

Medical advantages of neutering your male dog include:

Decreased risk of disease 

Neutering your cat or dog can decrease the risk of prostate disease, testicular cancer, and perianal fistulas, as well as some hernias and perineal hernias.

Decreased risk of overpopulation 

Neutering reduces the number of pets in need that are euthanized.

Decreased risk of pet overpopulation 

Neutering your cat or dog can decrease the number of stray or unwanted cats and dogs and help reduce the environment’s negative impact.


Sex-linked diseases are less common in neutered cats and dogs, possibly because female dogs are descended from males that didn’t get reproductively active. They may also be less likely to develop a genetic disease passed from dog to dog through the male line.

Testicular cancer

Castration can decrease the risk of testicular cancer in dogs. Compared to intact (unneutered, unmanipulated) cats, neutered cats have an 87% lower risk of testicular cancer. Besides, neutering cats has been shown to decrease the number of male cats used for stud purposes, a factor in the spread of testicular cancer in those used in breeding programs. Male dogs neutered before one year old may be more likely than intact males to develop testicular cancer.

Other significant benefits include:

  1. Decreases the chance of your dog roaming if he is neutered. 
  2. Decreases the risk of cancers, as well as mammary tumors
  3. It eliminates the marking problem when you take him for a walk. 
  4. It reduces the chances of your dog being injured in a fight with another dog; or helps to keep him from starting one in hot weather (most male dogs will mark when it gets too hot, especially on walks). 
  5. Lessens territorial guarding over his territory and other objects, including food, toys, and attention.


Dachshund neutering is a beneficial and necessary operation; however, there are many cons to neutering your Dachshund. It can lead to significant health issues in both the short and long term. Follow the neutering age guide. Be aware if there is anything wrong with your dog. However, once your Dachshund reaches over a year old, it is safe to neuter your pet.

Neutering your Dachshund comes with many benefits, including reduced aggression, longer life span, less possibility of testicular cancer, reduced risk of prostate disease, and reduced roaming tendencies. However, the benefits of neutering your Dachshund outweigh the risks of neutering a dog before it turns one year old. Hopefully, this article will help you decide if you should neuter your Dachshund.

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