Pros And Cons Of Owning A Dachshund

A Dachshund walking


  • Affectionate: Dachshunds are very emotionally sensitive dogs and bond with their families very closely. They are great with children and can even be trained to get along with other dogs. They can also make excellent watchdogs, which is essential for someone who has small children or lives in a multi-story home.
  • Loyal: Dachshunds are loyal, protective, and courageous companions that will stand by their human companion’s side throughout their entire life. These dogs have a “human-first” mentality and will do everything they can to look out for them, including biting intruders that threaten the family’s safety.
  • Intelligent: Dachshunds are very bright dogs that can learn tricks quickly. They also do well in conformation, obedience, and agility training and can climb a ladder.
  • Good with Children: Dachshunds get along well with kids, are great playmates, and will even “hold” toys as if they were a puppy themselves.
  • Affectionate: Dachshunds are known for their unique personality in which they “talk” non-stop while continuously wagging their tail. That makes them a perfect lap dog for someone who wants to relax or wants to spend time with their dog on the couch.
  • Enthusiastic: Dachshunds are very energetic dogs that love to play. They love to run around and explore new places and do well in active homes with a yard.
  • Great Swimmer: Dachshunds are a great swimmer that excels in the water. They have webbed feet and will quickly jump into the pool and enjoy swimming for hours on end.
  • Hypoallergenic: Dachshunds have very low shedding, which makes them ideal for someone with allergies who wants a dog for comfort while indoors during the winter months or wants to enjoy the company of another dog but is afraid of ending up covered in dog hair throughout their home.
  • Affectionate: Dachshunds will make great pets for people who want to stay at home. They love to snuggle with their loving owners and will put their heads on their chests, cuddle with them by the fireplace, or even relax on the couch. They can be very affectionate and even sporty when played with, so they can be good running partners or walking partners as well.
  • Human First: Dachshunds are pack animals, which means that they prefer human companionship over other canine companionship forms such as another dog or another person.


  • High Maintenance: Dachshunds can have many health issues such as obesity, patellar luxation, and an elongated spine. They should be taken to the vet often and kept at a healthy weight to lower the risk of developing any skeletal problems later on in life.
  • Canine Allergic Reaction: Some people experience an allergic reaction when around dachshunds because they shed a lot and are prone to skin infections.
  • Hunting Roots: Dachshunds are descended from badger dogs which means that they will go after ground-dwelling animals like foxes, rodents, and snakes if they get off their leash unattended backyard.
  • Sensitive: Dachshunds are very emotional and sensitive dogs that require a lot of attention from their owners. They also need consistent training since they can be stubborn and unruly at times.
  • Noisy: Dachshunds are excellent barkers and will often be loud when their owner leaves the house or has a visitor over to visit.
  • Takes up Space: Dachshunds need plenty of room in the home, so they should not live in cramped quarters or apartments confined to living most of the day indoors. They need space to lose their energy and get some fresh air.
  • High Risk of Cancer: Dachshunds are at high risk for developing bone cancer, lymphosarcoma, and mast cell tumors. You should carefully monitor these dogs to catch any cancer types early on while still a “stage 1” cancer treated with chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Jumpy: Dachshunds can be very jumpy and easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements. It can cause problems when trying to train them with voice/hand signals or even just trying to pet them since they will flinch away from your touch if you’re not careful.
  • Long Lifespan: Dachshunds only live for around 12-15 years on average. They have a relatively shorter lifespan when compared to most other breeds.
  • Long Back: Dachshunds have an elongated spinal cord, which means that they are prone to developing many of the same issues that go along with this problem. That includes disc and degenerative disc disease, bone cancer, osteoarthritis, and arthritic knees.

Tips Regarding the Dachshund Pros and Cons

  1. If you’re looking for a healthy dog that will be around for many years, then you should choose one of the red dachshunds such as the famous Miniature Dachshund, Miniature Smooth Dachshund, Miniature Wire-haired Dachshund, or Toy Smooth Dachshund. You can find these popular breeds on Instagram from different breeder farms and various puppy shops across America.
  2. Do your research and look for a breeder that ONLY breeds healthy, well-socialized, show-quality puppies to save on vet bills later down the road when you need to take your dog to the veterinarian.
  3. Provided that you feed your dog the right food, exercise them regularly, and treat their skin with the appropriate medicated products, Dachshunds will live a long and healthy life.
  4. If you’re looking for a dog that’s full of energy, then definitely consider getting yourself a Miniature Smooth Dachshund. These tiny little dogs are highly energetic and do not require long walks since they’ll happily run around at home or if they get to go outside.
  5. Talk to your breeder about his or her breeding and temperament. Ensure that the pup you’re looking at is well-socialized, curious, and has an agreeable personality.
  6. The Miniature Dachshund is an excellent dog if you live in a high-rise building or apartment because they’re not likely to bark or make a racket while living in such an enclosed environment.
  7. Also, Miniature Dachshunds are slightly less susceptible to getting hip dysplasia than larger-sized dogs because they have a more narrow pelvis which puts more pressure on the hips when walking and running around the house.
  8. Your Miniature Dachshund will be one of the cutest dogs in your neighborhood; therefore, make sure that you take good care of it, especially since Dachshunds are always cute and adorable.
  9. Find out about the breeds and pick one that is right for you. The Miniature Smooth Dachshund or the Toy Smooth Dachshund might be perfect for you if you’re looking for a dog that enjoys being much like a lap dog but isn’t too small, nor is he too big.
  10. Just as there are different colors and sizes of Dachshunds in existence, there are different sizes to consider.

Is the Dachshund the Right Breed for You?

Yes, is the Dachshund the right breed for you? We have long held that a dog’s temperament should match its owner’s personality. With fewer genetic behavioral traits, Dachshunds are certainly breedable, but there are still some that demand a certain level of behavioral stability. We’ve also seen that many timid dogs may not have the temperament to be in a family setting where they must live with people. However, more and more people realize that a Dachshund is just as affectionate and loving as any other dog. Dachshunds lick because it serves as social behavior. They’re just different!

Is a Dachshund a good family dog? 

Yes, but you must have your yard, as they are very active dogs and need a lot of exercises. The Dachshund is a very gentle dog, and you may leave it alone with the children if you don’t like barking dogs; better not buy a dachshund.

Dachshunds are ‘chasey’ dogs – they will chase anything. Be careful to walk your dog with a lead. If they see a cat or a rabbit, they will happily chase them. Your dachshund will probably chase cows and horses and could get killed. Remember that they are little dogs; the chasing instinct is powerful. If you have a female, be careful because she will probably have puppies. You must train your dachshund to do what you like. I suggest that you buy a book about training dogs, as every dog is different and needs a different training way. If you pick up your Dachshund, it is usually best for one person to grab their back paws and the other person to hold their front feet and lift them.

What problems do Dachshunds have?

Dachshunds are needy with several significant problems, the most common back pain. Dachshunds are very prone to diabetes, diverticulitis, a disease that causes painful digestive problems. Dachshunds’ backs arches are very high, making it easier for their back to hurt.

Do Dachshunds bite a lot?

Dachshunds are known for their small, long bodies, short legs, and funny-sounding bark. They were bred hunting dogs to go after badgers and other burrowing animals that were too difficult to capture. They aren’t usually aggressive, but they can become problematic if not properly educated or socialized. They are highly loyal to their owners, and they are very affectionate.

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