Dachshund Playing

Dachshund Playing

Dachshunds are very playful and love to run and jump around. They also love to have a game of tug-of-war so that some rope can be a great addition to their toy box. Dachshunds will play by themselves with toys for much of the day. They are also known for enjoying chasing down balls – especially if you hide them under things like pillows!

Playing With Your Dachshund

Playing with your Dachshund is also essential, so look for toys that will encourage you to be outdoors and active. Interactive playtime is helpful to help combat boredom and pent-up energy. Your Doxie will also benefit from having a toy she can use to help reduce the amount of attention she needs, which will enable you to focus on other things around the house.


Take your Dachshund for a short hike, if possible. Go on hikes with your Dachshund, have them sniff crops or wildflowers, smell different types of trees and leaves, or play “pooch ball” (or “fetch”) with their toys (we discuss that in the next section).


While intense exercise a few times each week is probably not too healthy for a dog of any age, it’s still good to get them into the habit of regular exercise. Take your Dachshund for an easy jog or hike once in a while and see if they enjoy it!

Belly Crawl

A belly crawl is a fun game to play. It involves your dog “walking” on its belly and ends with it going into a push-up position. That’s an excellent exercise for your dog’s forelegs and helps build strong muscles along the back. Add some extra resistance by rolling up a small piece of carpet or cloth in the way of your Dachshund’s rear legs.

Puppy Push Up

You can also try a Puppy Push Up with your dog, which is similar to the belly crawl, except your dog will go into a push-up position. Ensuring that your dog has good muscles in their front legs will help prevent arthritis and injury as they age.


Start teaching your Dachshund some simple tricks – such as jumping through a hoop or spinning in a circle multiple times before laying down on command. 


Teach your Dachshund to fetch by tossing toys or balls for them to chase after and bring back to you. That will help keep them in shape and make it fun. You can also teach them to circle you while you walk, increasing their exercise every day.

Chew Toys

For a Dachshund, a Kong toy is a great thing to have in your house. Try getting a hard rubber or metal toy that they can chew on but will not break into pieces!

Squeak Toys

Squeaky toys are an excellent way for your Dachshund to play, but store-bought squeaky toys are best avoided. You can make your maker out of an empty laundry detergent container or empty shoebox if you are crafty. Sewing the seams closed will keep the noise contained and make it easier to clean later.

Teething Toys

If you have a Dachshund puppy, they can help themselves chew on things that are not meant for them yet: keys and other small plastic items (like racetrack cars).

Toys for Older Dogs

Toy bones are great for older dogs to chew on, but not all toy bones are safe for long-term use. Look around the house for things you can use as chew toys that will also last. A box of old socks, some rags, or shredded paper can be a great source of fun and mental stimulation.

Quality Time With Your Dachshund 

Just like humans, Dachshunds need quality time with their families. Make sure to take a walk around the block every day. Play with them; whether it’s at home or out and about, visit your local dog park for some playtime, go hiking, take them to the beach or other great places.

Out of The House

Go for a drive – put your Dachshund in his car seat and let him look around as you enjoy your drive. Play with them in the car when you are at a red light; this is their chance to be active.

At Home

Just like going for a walk, taking your dog on a “walk” around the house while you do chores is also great for them. Reward them for good behavior by tossing a ball or toy down the corridor and letting them chase after it!

Dog Park

Dog parks can be dangerous places filled with other dogs who may not know how to behave appropriately around your pet. If you consider taking your Dachshund to a dog park, note that they may enjoy sniffing each other’s butts, which is no cause for alarm (note: some people consider this offensive). If your dog is not on a leash, it is also difficult to prevent them from getting into fights.


Take them along when you run errands around town, or take them to work with you (if they are well behaved, check with your employer first if you are unsure). This way, the kids can leave the house and have fun without your help! Make sure to ask business owners if it’s okay for your pet to come in before bringing him in – many places do not allow pets!


Dachshunds love going hiking with their owners. Take them out and about during the early morning hours when it’s cool, and there are fewer people around, and the sunlight is not too bright for them. Wear a dachshund backpack that they can climb inside of, or let them walk beside you as you hike! 


Biking with your Dachshund can be a lot of fun! Ensure that your bike has a rack on it for the dog’s crate to sit in, or bring along a pet carrier. It’s essential to make sure that your dog is secured so they will not fall off the bike (or carrier) at any point during the ride.


Many Dachshunds enjoy swimming, but don’t assume that they are all excellent swimmers! If you want to take your swimming, check with their breeder first and make sure that your dog has had some formal training beforehand. If not, check with the lifeguard before you go – they must be aware of what you’re up to so they can keep an eye on your dog and make sure he or she wear life jacket and doesn’t get hurta.

Do’s And Dont’s While Playing With Your Dachshund

  • Don’t squeeze the dog’s tummy.
  • Do give your Dachshund a chance to stretch his back legs after eating.
  • Don’t let your Dachshund eat too much or drink too much water at once.
  • Make sure your Dachshund has plenty of toys.
  • Do take your Dachshund to the vet regularly.
  • Do get your Dachshund neutered or spayed if he or she is old enough and you plan on keeping them for a while.
  • Don’t punish the dog if he is having a bad day and growls at you, and this can cause him to be afraid of you and create more problems than it solves.
  • Please don’t lose your Dachshund in the house as this can cause a reaction from him.
  • Do praise and reward your Dachshund not only for doing things right but also for doing them at all.
  • Dogs are not necessarily more intelligent than cats. The standard response to this is that dogs are pack animals and cats are individualists – therefore, dogs have different requirements than cats. However, in some cases, the difference in intelligence levels between the two is negligible or even non-existent.

The intelligence of a dog is related to its heredity and environment. The best way to raise a knowledgeable dog is through positive reinforcement, such as food or toys. Dogs can learn various behaviors, including responding to commands, solving problems, and performing tricks. On average, dogs are seen as more trainable than cats; however, this depends on the breed or species. For example, many terriers were initially bred for hunting because they exhibited exceptional instincts that other breeds lacked. Hunting dogs, including terriers, will continue to attempt capturing prey for as long as there is an opportunity even after being called off by their owners (they will stop only when they physically cannot do so).

Is it Hard To Play With Your Dachshund?

Of course not, but it’s also important to understand that your Dachshund has long legs, and their bodies are designed to go between objects rather than jumping over them. Most importantly, when you are playing with your Dachshund, keep an eye on your wiggle butt and don’t let them hurt themselves by playing too rough.

When playing fetch with a toy or ball, if the object is too big for your Dachshund to get their mouth around, it will be hard for them to bring it back to you. Please don’t assume that your dog can pick up the object in their mouth that they can run with it. If the toy or ball is large and too heavy for your Dachshund to run with, there are several options:

  1. If you have plenty of open space on the ground where you can set the dog’s toy or ball, then you can use a towel or blanket to act as a speed bump, slowing down the object enough for the Dachshund to get their mouth around it and retrieve it.
  2. If you have to choose between the toy or ball and your Dachshund, pick the toy or ball. They will be happier to spend time with you, rather than chasing a ball or toy they can’t bring back.
  3. If you have a carpeted floor, you may put a box on top of it in front of the Dachshund (or place a towel below them if there is no carpet). That will cause the object to slow down and allows your Dachshund to get their mouth around it.
  4. Try to get the object moving slower by placing it higher on the floor or moving it towards your Dachshund.

Are Dachshunds playful?

Dachshunds can be very curious and love to investigate everything, especially their environment. They are also smart and are capable of learning tricks well. As long as you give them positive reinforcement for their actions, they will continue to be happy and play happily.

How much exercise is too much exercise for my dog?

Dogs are different than cats and are not meant to run up to 10 miles a day. If you want your dog to stay in shape and have him or her active while training, look at the elements that cause most of the injury in dogs: trauma caused by vehicle accidents, falling while playing, slipping on ice or snow, or getting caught on a piece of equipment when they are not supervised. These are all factors that need to be avoided just as much as over-exercising your dog.

How do I keep my dog active?

One of the easiest ways to keep your Dachshund active is by playing fetch. If they get a toy or ball thrown for them, they will spend hours chasing it, picking it up, and bringing it back until you stop throwing it.

Dog parks are also a great way to keep your dog active while socializing with other dogs; however, these should be used if you have complete control of your pet and trust that he or she will not fight with another animal.

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