Dachshund Potty Training – Guide and Information

Dachshund Potty Training

Dachshunds are notoriously difficult to potty train, but you can use a few techniques. For example, you can take them out every three hours; this will give them plenty of time to relieve themselves. Try praising them when they have done well and ignore them when you see that they are not doing their business outside. If nothing seems to work, consult a veterinarian. Urine stains are a common problem associated with dog ownership. To eliminate such problems, you will find it helpful to use an enzyme cleaner on the areas where the urine has been spilled. 

Potty training dachshund puppy is a type of potty training where the dog must be taken out for bathroom breaks regularly while they were in their puppyhood. These types are also known as “long dogs.” They know what it is like to be taken out on a leash and walk around in the grass. We must emphasize that not all dachshunds are like this. However, it will be easier if you train in this way since the first significant step is already done.

If dachshund potty training is what you chose, then as soon as your dog wakes up from a nap or after he/she eats and drinks, take them outside (hours if possible). That will help with potty training. It is vital to learn that with any dachshund potty training, your puppy should get used to going outside to “relieve themselves.” It is especially true of dachshunds because of their long-tailed bodies. 

Dachshunds are known to hide and clean themselves in the same spot repeatedly. This behavior can be challenging to break, but it can be done if you stick with it. If you do this only when they are puppies, then you will have a better chance at potty training them as an adult. 

“Dachshund potty training is not hard, but it will take some time and patience.”

Three steps of Potty training

  1. Puppies are most easily trained to go outside at night to eliminate. They go outside upon waking in the morning. If you have a small yard or patio, your dachshund puppy can eliminate there directly from her crate before you let her out of the house. A dog does not need any privacy when she is eliminating outside, and if she is eliminated on grass, it will stimulate the lawn. So, a Dachshund puppy can eliminate on the patio and does not need any privacy.
  2. Then, when your Dachshund has eliminated outside, and you bring her inside, you must immediately take her to her crate or confinement area. Since she has just eliminated outside, she will never eliminate again in the same area she just eliminated. Once your puppy eliminates in her crate, take her out of the crate. Let her play for 5 minutes before you put her back into the crate again. Follow this 5-minute rule each time you bring your dog outside of its crate after the potty session.
  3. Once your puppy has been eliminated from her crate, she will be ready to go back into the crate. A dachshund puppy will not have accidents in her cage because she now knows where to eliminate and where not to eliminate – which is outside.
  4. It would help if you never punished your Dachshund for eliminating it in a cage or confinement area. If we give it this kind of treatment, your dog will start to fear the cage and punishment, which it will eliminate when you take it out of the cage and stop trusting in us as its caretaker.
  5. Once your Dachshund is out of her crate, it’s time to take her outside (hours would be much better). That is enough time to take her outside, and when you come back into the house with her, it is enough time to take her back to the crate. It would help if you never punished a dachshund puppy for indoor accidents after:
  6. * she eliminated as soon as you brought her inside from outside,
  7. * she came out of the crate as soon as you brought her inside from outside, and
  8. * she was outside at hours you were supposed to take her out.
  9. It takes a dachshund puppy about five weeks to get the hang of potty training – after that time, she will let you know when she has to go out. After just three days, she may have a clue where to eliminate and where not to eliminate.

Therefore, if it’s summertime and your dog is outdoors all day long, then it is advisable to take her out every hour on the hour for at least one minute so that she can eliminate when she needs to. After five weeks, as long as your Dachshund is eating healthy and drinking enough water, she should be able to let you know when she has to go out – either by barking or by scratching at the door. 

Should I use a crate for potty training my Dachshund?

Dachshunds are known for their stubbornness and intelligence, which might make potty training a challenge. There are many options to consider when potty training your dog. One option is to use a crate. So what is a crate, and how can it help you with dachshunds potty training? A crate is a dog kennel. It is designed for dogs to go in and stay in, so there can be no accidents. Dachshunds are often kept in crates when they are being shipped to different locations or if they need time out of the way because they’re being punished for something. If you aren’t familiar with using crates, you may think this isn’t a good option. Let’s look at other options before deciding that isn’t an option for potty training your Dachshund.

Dog crates are available in several types. A wire cage crate with a metal door is the most common type. Other options include plastic, collapsible crates, or soft-sided crates. If you choose this option, choose one that the Dachshund can access and exit independently. Be sure to provide bedding for your dog inside the crate, like blankets or a dog bed. That will provide him with more comfort while inside the crate by providing padding around him.

In this case, instead of investing in something that would be an unnecessary accessory after some time passes, it may be better to use a more convenient, collapsible item that is smaller and easier to use. A large crate will be more comfortable for the dog to enter and exit, but it may not fit into space you have available. It’s also best to get a crate that is just big enough for your Dachshund, or it’ll try to find a potty spot in one corner or another.

When you’re using your dog’s crate as a potty training tool, the first thing you’ll need to do is provide access to water. Place an empty metal water bowl inside the crate. When your dog needs to go potty, it’ll head over and drink some water, then do what it needs to do after that. That will help prevent accidents where your dog decides to eliminate in its crate when it needs to go potty. Many dogs won’t use their crate as a potty spot, and you may be able to skip this step, but not knowing for sure is why I recommend it. Dachshunds don’t usually have problems using the bathroom inside their crates unless they have a medical issue causing them to hold it.

Once your Dachshund gets used to going potty in his crate or gets medical clearance from the Vet to go without the water bowl, he’ll need some sort of encouragement. She was allowed to go outside to potty with my Dachshund, but she rarely did because she didn’t have many accidents. She used her crate as a potty place and only had them when I didn’t notice her going to the bathroom. When I noticed, I would have to take her out back and make sure she went. If there were no accidents for a day or two at a time, we could extend our time between walks.

If your Dachshund uses the crate as a potty spot, you’ll need to provide training incentives for him when he goes potty in his crate. Training treats are perfect for this. You can use a clicker to let your Dachshund know he did what you wanted him to do and then reward him with a treat when he comes out. Don’t forget to praise him as well so that he understands he’s doing the right thing. Your Dachshund will need some water when he comes out of his crate after potty time so keep a water bottle near the crate.

When you’re potty training your Dachshund, there can be distractions in the house where it’s easy for him to go in the wrong spot because you’re not paying attention. When you’re potty training your Dachshund, you won’t want to leave him unsupervised. That means that you’ll need to go out with him while he’s awake and be home when he sleeps. Once he starts eliminating outside, then you can gradually decrease the frequency of his duration in the crate.

Some people use crates for times when they can’t supervise their dogs. Like if they’re going to be washing dishes or something and don’t want the Dachshund running around under their feet. Others use crates to keep their dogs from jumping up on people when guests visit. It can be problematic because dogs don’t like to be stuck in small spaces for an extended period and may even become fearful, causing them to bark. To prevent this, keep the crate as a potty spot and only use it after your pup has an accident.

Can you potty train an older dachshund?

The average life expectancy is around 12-14 years, so it’s not impossible to potty train an older Dachshund. The key is to start early and never give up.

Assuming you have an older dachshund that you want to potty train, you’re going to have to start slowly. You can’t just buy a crate and expect your dog to be crate trained in two days. It will help if you ease your dog into it.

I’d recommend buying a crate for them when they are young to spend time in it and get used to the feeling of being in it. While this isn’t necessary for potty training an older Dachshund if you want it to succeed at potty training when it becomes older, having your dog used to the cage will only help it out in the long run.

So buy a crate and have him spend time there. Give him treats and attention, let him take naps, and sleep in the crate. In the beginning, I’d suggest keeping it in a place where he’ll be comfortable going to bed, like his dog bed or his favorite spot on the couch. It will also probably help if you keep it in a spot where your older Dachshund is most comfortable. For example, if they prefer to sleep at the foot of your bed, then that’s where you should keep it too.

Should I use puppy pads to toilet train my Dachshund?

Puppy pads are a good solution for potty training a small dog. Puppies are closer to the ground, have shorter legs, and thus have wetting accidents. The pads absorb urine and provide a layer of protection against the hard floor.

My Dachshund doesn’t do his business on the pads, only outside. That is a good thing. If he had been using the pad to go to the bathroom, it would be a sign that I wasn’t walking him enough and that he was being kept in the crate too long. Dogs need an exercise routine every day to minimize the chances of bladder infections and other issues. I take him out about 10–15 times a day or more if he needs more frequent relief. I live in a small apartment, so walking him outside is not an option. If you have a big house or yard, you should keep him leashed or on a leash while on your property.

Dachshunds are known to not potty outside their backyard. Many terrains have a smell that tells the dog right where it should go, and they’ll use it every time. Once your dog starts using the pads, you don’t want it to go on the carpet (or wherever else it may have been going) ever again. Dachshunds also do their business in one spot in their backyards. Therefore, Crate Training can be beneficial for potty training your Dachshund. So put the two together, and you have a win/win situation!

You must select just one area in which to potty train your Dachshund. If you let your dog do its business in one room and the pads are placed in another room, you will train your dog to dislike going to the bathroom while inside the house. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t crate-train your puppy, only that it’s easier on both you and your pup if they stay use the same pad every time.

As far as what size pad is appropriate for a dachshund, any ones you choose will work just fine. Smaller pads are just as good as big ones because your puppy won’t be using much of them anyway. The smaller size is easier to hold and carry to where it needs to carry a large pad.

Tip For Extra Stubborn Doxies

If your doxie is extra stubborn, try this:

Take a metal can and put a hole in it.

Put the dog’s paw through the hole, and then wrap the can around the leg.

Attach a rubber band to the can.

Keep wrapping the band around.

This way, you won’t need to spray them or hurt them, but you can still let them know this is not appropriate!

Crate Training A Dachshund Puppy

Crate training a dachshund puppy has many benefits, including the ability to reduce separation anxiety in your dog and ease potty training. Crate training is not difficult to do but does require some patience on your part. Your baby dachshund will love being crated once he’s used to it, and some dogs, adult or puppy, never have any trouble with the crate training at all. Dachshunds are clever little dogs and can be manipulative. They must learn from the start that their owners are in charge. They are bred to hunt vermin in small dens and love the security of being able to crawl into a smaller space when feeling scared or insecure. They like having a secure place to sleep at night, too, so your Dachshund will be much happier if you keep him in a crate at night and when you aren’t home or for long periods during the day.

Crate training will help your dog to be less destructive in the house when you’re not there. It is also handy for keeping your pup from getting into trouble if he’s left alone in the house and he needs a place to sleep at night. A crate is also a good idea for travel, especially by air, as it will keep your dog safe and secure when traveling.

When you begin training your Dachshund puppy to use his crate, he will need to go when you’re home and awake so take him out often during the day so he goes potty often. It would help if you tried to leave him in the crate for as short a time as possible at first and slowly increase the amount of time he stays in it. Try leaving the crate door open and fill it with a few toys so he checks them out. Then when he’s inside, close the door and praise him for going into his crate on his own. If you have a wire crate, you can put treats inside so that he’ll want to go in there to find them. Keep increasing the time that your dog is left crated until you can get away for up to hours or more while he’s created.

How to train a miniature dachshund?

Training a miniature dachshund can be a challenge. Though these are small, these dogs require attention and exercise. They need to socialize with other animals and people of all ages and be taught obedience commands. Training a miniature dachshund may seem a daunting task; however, it is doable with patience and consistency. Here are some tips for training your mini Dachshund:


The first step in training any new puppy is to do this simple process: housebreaking. Start by making a “toilet area” in one corner of your home. Your puppy is likely to make this his toilet area. Place newspapers on top of the area and train your puppy to relieve himself there. When they have done his business, praise him and treat him.

Training for Leash Walking

The leash will be a must-have item during the training process, and you can use it for training as well as to keep your dog safe on walks. Begin by placing an easy-to-grip harness on your dog’s neck and then attach the leash to it. Take your dog for short walks at first until it understands what is expected when you take it outside with you. Start with simple training like getting your Dachshund to follow you and then rewarding the dog.

Training for Sit and Lie Down

While teaching your dog to sit is simple, it is vital to put the command to lie down in place. A dog who understands both commands will be easier to train and have around the house. Each time you practice, give your dog a treat immediately after he or she has performed correctly.

Training your dog to come

Also called recall training, this is essential if they could run after an animal or another person but can also be used in situations where you want your pet near you without looking for him. Start by using a treat and giving it to your pet when he comes near you. Once he is doing this on command, you can try to call him while he is in another room or when he is so far away that it will be hard for him to hear you.

Training for Barking and Howling

If your dog barks or howls excessively, training may help. Start by keeping your dog in a quiet area with no distractions. Praise the dog when it does not bark and treat it when the barking stops for a few minutes. You can also use toys to distract him from barking.

Training Fetch

Playing fetch with your dog will not only help you get exercise but also train him to entertain himself with his toys while you are away. How to do it – Throw a toy for your dog, then reward him each time he brings the toy back to you.

Training for Sitting Still

Some people train their dogs to sit still out in public. It is a better idea during a wild party or other get-togethers. The idea is to keep the dog from running around and distracting people or guests. Start by keeping your dog next to your leg while going about with your day’s activities like watching TV, reading, or doing work on the computer. That will help him understand that he should be near you when he’s not training or playing with his toys.

Dachshund Puppy House Training Tips

The Dachshund is a playful, lovable, and intelligent dog that can be house-trained easily. However, there are a few things to pay attention to so that house training a dachshund puppy goes smoothly.

First, don’t let your Dachshund be naughty. When it starts to go to the bathroom anywhere but in its litter box, call its name and tell him to come to the litter box immediately. When he does, please give him a treat and lots of praise. This way, you can train him that it’s terrible news when he goes potty in the house!

Also, if you take your puppy outside right away after he wakes up or finishes eating, it will help with house training. If you let him out after being in the house for long periods, he will want to go outside immediately and may have an accident because he didn’t feel the need before. It’s best to take him out often and make a schedule for going to the bathroom. If he’s been in the house for a long time and doesn’t go, take him outside no matter what.

Second, keep an eye on your Dachshund when you take him outside. Once he starts squatting, get his attention by saying his name and calling him. It will encourage him to finish going potty in the right place. Also, be sure to praise him when he finishes going potty outside and give him a treat. That will teach your dog that pottying inside gets him into trouble while going potty outside is rewarded.

Lastly, keep your Dachshund’s litter box filled with non-clumping cat litter or puppy litter and cleaned frequently. Your dog should have a clean place to go to the bathroom at all times. Also, don’t let your puppy sleep in the same room as you because this will encourage him to go potty in his bed. Whenever he awakens, before and after meals, and every two hours after that (especially if he is still a pup), always take him outside.

How often should dachshunds poop

How often should dachshunds poop? That is the question. And it turns out, not very often. That is not surprising for anyone who has seen one of these things have a bowel movement. Let me describe this for anyone who is not familiar with them.

You will be out in the yard. Your Dachshund will have been outside for a while, and he has probably pooped once or twice already. He will be looking around the yard, waiting for you to leave so that he can go and do it again. Then suddenly, you’ll see this look of horror on his face. He will take off like the devil himself is chasing him. You’ll hear some very rapid little footsteps as your dog streaks across the yard, making a beeline for the nearest haven: the house or porch or garage or perhaps under your car. He will do this while squatting down so that his bottom is just touching the ground. His bottom lip will be hanging down as he runs, and he will be looking behind him to see if anyone will catch up with him. He’ll make it to his haven, and then suddenly, the look of horror on his face will morph into a look of contentment. He’ll curl up in a bit of ball and go to sleep, letting out one very loud breath (like when you release air from your lungs after holding your breath while underwater).

Dachshunds are notorious for not being housebroken and therefore will poop anywhere, anytime. They are charming dogs that enjoy being on their owner’s laps and in the front yard. Dachshunds are bred to be hunting dogs, so they have a strong prey drive. Hunting dogs will eat almost anything they kill. Dachshunds live for the thrill of the hunt and are always on the search for that next meal. Since they eat meat, their poops will vary depending on what they have eaten.

How often a dog poops depends on what it is given to eat. A dog that eats a poor quality dog food diet will poop more frequently because it is not fully digesting all of the nutrients in its food. If your Dachshund is eating a lot of treats and snacks, it can cause an upset stomach, too, as well as gas, which forces the dog to poop more frequently.

You should expect your Dachshund to poop 3–4 times a day for the first year. It is natural for puppies. As they grow, they will go less frequently until they are fully grown. An adult Dachshund will poop around 1-2 times a day.

As your pup grows and begins to mature into an adult dog, you should notice that the frequency of his bowel movements decreases as well. The following are some things that will have an impact on how often your pooch will do his duty:

You will determine if he has eaten well by watching his feces. If the feces is normal, it contains little or no meat. The feces will have a nut-like odor to the smell, which means that your dog has digested his previous meal very well. On the other hand, when your Dachshund’s feces are hard and black, but the odor is rancid smelling, he hasn’t digested his food correctly, and this can lead to health problems later on as pancreatitis.

If you get a puppy, you should take him out each time he eats or plays for at least 15 minutes. Once he is older, it will be different for every dog. Some dogs like to go out right after they eat, and some of them are very stubborn and will take a lot longer before they go. It is essential to train your dog into the habit of going outside because if you wait too long, they will start going inside on accident. You do not want this, so always take your dog out as soon as you bring him home and always praise him when he goes outside because this will make him enjoy going more.

Some things that will make your pup poop right away are:

Taking him for a car ride

Playing with him

Getting him a treat or a favorite toy

Sometimes he will go on his own.

When a dog has to go, it can be very frustrating because they will usually try and find a place to hide or sneak off. You must keep an eye on your dog and watch his body language, so you know when he is about to do his business. If he will try and go when you are not looking, make sure that you reward him as soon as he does, this will teach him that he gets rewarded for doing it outside.

A lot of dogs like to use one spot over and over again, just like people who always use the same bathroom. If your dog always uses the same spot and he goes, make sure that you immediately pick up his poop with a plastic baggie or a shovel and then mark the spot you cleaned up. When you see him sniffing around the area, take him out to go potty. When he empties his bladder and bowel in that spot, reward him with praise and a treat. It will help with housebreaking issues and stop your dog from getting into other places like trash cans or smelling other dogs’ urine. It would be best to use this technique every time your dog goes potty in the same place.

Are dachshunds hard to potty train?

Dachshunds are not known for being easy to potty train, as they are very stubborn. The Dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied dog breed of German origin that has historically been bred for hunting badgers and other burrowing animals, which is nowadays illegal in many countries. With that said, they are intelligent dogs. You can follow these easy steps to potty train a dachshund puppy fast.

Housebreaking a dachshund is a necessary process that must be carried out right from the start. The sooner your “wiener dog” knows how to go outside, the easier it will be for you when it has fully matured and has developed some stubbornness as well as when it gets older.

You can’t expect to take a Dachshund out for a walk at the age of 10 weeks and expect him to know exactly where he needs to go. He will need some experience to get conventional to this new environment. Ensure you take your Dachshund out regularly and praise him when he uses the correct area.

Dachshunds are known for being stubborn, so don’t be upset if it takes him 2 or 3 weeks to get used to this new routine of his. He will learn quickly enough, but don’t forget that in the meantime, he will most likely have an accident or two in your house.

Listed below are some of the most important things to consider:

#1 – Start early

Remember that dachshunds are stubborn little creatures. So if your dog is not quite three months old yet, start trying to potty-train it immediately. That way, you can get used to getting him out and eliminating him in the right place as soon as possible. Continue reading this article for more tips on potty training dachshunds.

#2 – Crate Training

Start crate training early. Not only will it help prevent your dog from getting into trouble in the house, but you will also be able to tell when he needs to go outside. You should make sure that your crate is large enough to let him turn around comfortably and lay down without having to squish up against the bars of the crate. If the crate is too large, you won’t be able to watch him move as close as you would if it snugly fitted for him in there.

Besides, it is vital to have a blanket or towel in the crate to have a soft area to lie down.

#3 – Always take your dog out after you feed him

It takes them a while to digest their food, so do not wait too long to take him out. Feed them early in the morning before you go to work or school, then take them out an hour or so later. Try not to put your dog in the crate with his food because this may cause him to develop an eating disorder.

#4 – Take your dog to the same place every time

After a while, your dog will start recognizing this as where he goes to the bathroom. The more consistently you take him out at the same time and to the same place, the better he’ll understand that this is where he needs to go.

#5 – Use treats or toys as a reward

When you take dachshunds out and relieve themselves, make sure you give them a treat or toy after doing their business. It will teach your dog that it gets a reward for relieving himself in the proper place, and it is something good for your dog to do it.

How long does it take to potty train a dachshund?

It takes on average about three to six months of daily training and supervision, depending on how old your pup is.

The breeder you got your Dachshund from will give you a potty training schedule to follow. The schedule is based on when the breeder had to house-train a Dachshund puppy. In my case, I knew my puppy was on the way about three weeks before his arrival, so I used that information as a guide for when to start his potty training schedule.

When your dog is older than 12 weeks, it will take you less time to train him or her. Puppies younger than 12 weeks usually take longer due to bowel and bladder control issues they have yet to work through.

How can I stop my Dachshund from peeing at home?

First, you need to understand that a dog’s primary goal is to please its master. If you don’t give them attention and don’t accept it when they do wrong things, they will stop doing them. So when your dog starts to pee in the house, ignore it. When he finishes peeing and wants to come close to you, let him know you are not happy about what he was doing there. Keep on repeating these rules daily until your Dachshund stops peeing in the house.

Should I crate my Dachshund?

Dachshunds should not be allowed to go off the leash. If your dog is on a leash and attacks another dog, It may get out of control. And if it does not get hurt, then you might lose control of it if you can’t handle it tightly enough. So to avoid any stress or trouble caused by your dog when it is on a leash, it is better that you keep it in a crate when there are people who visit you at home.

How do I start obedience training for my dachshund puppy?

First, get him acquainted with the clicker to start proper obedience training for your dachshund puppy. To do this, take some cheese and get him to touch it with the nose. Then click immediately and give him the treat. After a few repetitions, you can start training your dog to do other things. That will help with the general behavior and help keep it calm in certain situations.

How do I take care of my Dachshund’s teeth?

Dachshunds have a long tongue but small teeth. So they may have problems when eating. To avoid any such problems with your dog, give it small portions in small meals every day. Also, make sure you clean your mouth regularly to avoid accumulating harmful bacteria over time. These causes will ruin your dog’s health, and your dog will also have a hard time eating.

Why Is Potty Training A Dachshund Challenging?

More than other breeds, the Dachshund dog breed can be challenging to potty train. As a result of their long backbone and short legs, they are difficult to pick up and impossible to bathe. As a result, a dachshund puppy will repeatedly soil in the same area. 

How to potty train Dachshund

Many people find the idea of potty training a dachshund to be daunting. However, if you heed these uncomplicated steps, it will only take a few weeks for your furry friend to be using his or her little potty all by themselves. First, you will need to choose a good training location in the house. It should be an area that will be easy to clean up after accidents, such as a bathtub, laundry room, utility room, or even outside.

Next, you will want to get your supplies ready. You will need one small child gate and one small dog crate for each Dachshund in the household. You will also want to gather up some newspaper and have it ready for anytime your little potty needs to relieve themselves during the process of training. Finally, you get your first little Dachshund into their crate or gate and close it behind them.

Why are dachshunds challenging to potty train?

Dachshunds are notoriously difficult to potty train, which is why they’re sometimes called wiener dogs. Dachshunds are prone to various health problems, including back problems and hip dysplasia. You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep without your Dachshund in your arms.

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